- Bikes (Must book in advance): $10 per bike ( 5 bike max per boat load )
- Unaccompanied freight: $5 per package
- Gas Diesel and Propane: cylinder, cans or drums: $5
- Animals: Free
- There is no fee for passengers on the ferry
Note about animals: Dogs are required to wear muzzles or gentle lead at all times, cats MUST be caged.
Passengers are permitted to carry on 200 lbs of lightweight cargo (under 40lbs each) at no charge if carried by a passenger. Please contact us at inquiries@pictouislandcharters.ca to make arrangements for oversize/overweight freight. Additional charges will apply.
It is recommended that groups make Caribou and Pictou Island departure reservations. Reservations will not be accepted within 12 hrs of departure, and will only be held until 15 minutes before departure.